

IIPCC Cameroon Chapter appointed
Collaboration MoU signed with the World Islamic Intellectual Property Development Organization (“WINPRO”)
Dr. Günther Marten joined the Executive Advisory Committee Board of IIPCC
Cooperation partnership signed with the Swiss Chinese Law Association (“SCLA”)
IIPCC USA streamlines organization structure re-emphasizing local chapters
IIPCC Tokyo Chapter appointed
WIPO “ADR” (UN) appoints IIPCC as a partner
Professor Jeff Yang appointed as Vice-Chair of IIPCC Shanghai China Chapter
Cooperation Partnership signed with Dankook University of the Republic of Korea
Michael Lin appointed as an IIPCC Board Member
David Kappos joined the Executive Advisory Committee Board of IIPCC
Dr. Richard Thurston joined the Executive Advisory Committee Board of IIPCC
WIPO “Green”(UN) appoints IIPCC as advisor and partner
WIPO GREEN Partner IIPCC launches International Knowledge Registry (IKR™)
IIPCC - USA Society New York City sub-chapter chartered
Dr. Jeffrey Langer signs on as IIPCC - USA Society’s Vice Executive Director
IIPCC Taipei Chapter appointed
IIPCC Toronto Chapter appointed
IIPCC – USA Society Washington DC sub-chapter chartered
IKR web version launched, a free service for the general public
Cooperation Partnership signed with Kwangwoon University of the Republic of Korea
IIPCC – USA Society Seattle sub-chapter chartered
IIPCC - USA Society San Jose/Silicon Valley sub-chapter chartered
IIPCC co-launched the Youth Entrepreneurship Experience Program (YEEP), a program of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea
WIPO (U.N.) accredits IIPCC as a Permanent Observer
IIPCC Guangzhou Chapter appointed
IIPCC partners with the Asian Film Academy with the International Knowledge Registry (IKR™)
IIPCC appoints Rob Aronoff as head of IIPCC US West Chapters
IIPCC Seattle Chapter appointed
IIPCC San Jose/Silicon Valley appointed
IIPCC San Francisco Chapter appointed
Cooperation partnership with the IP Academy of Singapore for IP Commercialization Certification programs
Chief Judge Randall Rader (ret.) joined IIPCC as a Board Member
IIPCC Singapore Chapter appointed
IIPCC Malaysia Chapter appointed
IIPCC Shanghai China Chapter appointed
Cooperation partnership signed with the APEC China Business Council (“APEC CBC”)
Cooperation partnership signed with the Pacific Basin Economic Council (“PBEC”)
Cooperation partnership signed with Intellectual Asset Management (“IAM”)
Professor Carl Schramm joined IIPCC as a Board Member
IIPCC was reorganized as a non-profit non-partisan global non-government organization (NGO) to support its chapters and members worldwide
IIPCC Hong Kong Chapter appointed
IIPCC commenced chapter licensing discussions with numerous interested parties globally
IIPCC appointed its first international chapter. The chapter is named IIPCC Korea and is located in Seoul, Republic of Korea