Advanced IP-Innopreneurship Certificate
IP and IP-related matters can affect a company’s:
Stock price
Thus company directors, executives and senior managers need to understand and know how to manage their IP because IP is their most important organizational asset. That is why they need to take the Advanced IP-Innopreneurship Certificate program, offered jointly by both IIPCC and the IP Academy, This program aims to equip today’s professionals with the necessary mix of legal and business knowledge so that they can successfully commercialize their organizations’, or their own IP.
Why IIPCC members should attend:
Through this program, today’s – and tomorrow’s directors, executives, senior managers will:
Learn how to manage and protect the IP assets in their organizations
Spur the growth of their organization by creating value through branding
Know how to overcome the key IP challenges in social media
Understand the importance of IP in an innovation driven economy
Learn from companies as they share their IP strategies in their ‘IP-Innopreneurship’ journey.
The Advanced IP Certificate Course consists of a series of courses that can be supplemented with electives offered by IP Academy.
Program Details
Tax Consierations and challenges affecting IP
IP Issues in M&A Transactions
IP and Social Media
Creating value through branding
This course will provide an overview of the relationship between tax and IP and highlight the various tax considerations and challenges affecting IP in today’s world. Participants will benefit from a comprehensive analysis of the issues, developments and skills required for successful IP tax planning.
This course offers a snapshot view of an often lengthy M&A process, and will equip participants with greater confidence to deal with IP issues in M&A transaction.
In the modern knowledge-driven economy, the efficient protection and management of their amassing intellectual assets is important in determining an organisations’ success. The review and audit of your organization’s intellectual assets is usually the first step to undertake in identifying and exploiting an organzation’s valuable intellectual assets!
This course provides you with rare access to invaluable networking opportunities and expert insights on safeguarding your IP assets and brand amidst the region’s thriving economic growth.
Corporate site visits (eg. 3M, HP, IE Singapore, WIPO ADR/Mediation)
This program is offered to those who have either:
Already have the prerequisite IP knowledge, or
Successfully completed Basic IP in Business Certificate program offered by IIPCC
Proposed Dates
Please contact us for details
Please contact us for details
IP Academy Singapore,
Address: #01-01, Manulife Centre, 1 Bras Basah Rd, Singapore 189554
Phone:+65 6221 8622
To register
Please send an email to info@iipcc.org with the subject: Advanced IP-Innopreneurship Certificate Program
Salutation: Mr, Ms,, Mrs,, Dr.
First name:
Middle initial:
Family Name
Company name:
Contact email:
Contact telephone:
Please contact us for details
IP rights: A primer
IP: Senior management’s duties and obligations
Topics Covered
The nature of IP
– The importance of IP today
– An introduction to IP rights including patents, trademarks, copyrights, design rights, trade secrets
– The protection of IP rights
– The objectives, scope and limitations of various IP rights
The duties today’s and tomorrow’s directors, executives and senior managers have to protect and maximize the value of IP
– Legal risks
– Strategic considerations
– Strategic management of IP
– The valuation of IP
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